Monthly updates
29 July 2022
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Hi [First Name], 
We are writing Insider newsletter from the Northern hemisphere … and it is SUMMER! No matter where you are in the world, it is time to enjoy holidays and to be out in Nature with family and friends, recharging batteries for more community work in the SEEDS movement. Also, time to entertain yourself with SEEDS Insider July updates. Happy reading!
DHO Tell
Building meaningful experiences and relations within the world of SEEDS through communication
Hot stuff

Hypha is being accelerated by
RESPOND Accelerator

RESPOND is a BMW Foundation Accelerator Program

In 2022, the RESPOND Accelerator Program is focusing on innovations that contribute to a Regenerative Economy. The RESPOND Responsible Leaders Days brought together investors, entrepreneurs, BMW Foundation, Responsible Leaders, and the startups from the RESPOND accelerator program Cohort3 (2022) in a series of sessions on Responsible Leadership.

And Hypha was one of the ten startups selected to join Cohort3.
Alex Prate shared his impressions after participating in a 4-day Camp in Marseille with RESPOND - Responsible Leader Days:

"My key learning after these 4 days is that our purpose and vision is much greater than our individualities, singularities, divergences, or differences.  We're on the path together to foster true collaboration at a global scale towards a more regenerative and equitable world! The tools, processes, and ecosystems we are building together are essential to accelerate this movement and we are getting a lot of attention. We are onto something unique that can benefit the whole.  
This is an invitation for all of us here to regroup, come together and cultivate our unique culture - every day - in coherence with the beautiful vision of the new world we want to create together.  We are in a position to lead the way and inspire thousands (if not millions) of people to join and accelerate this transition through genuine collaboration across the globe.  Now is the time (The DAO Moment) to prove that this major shift can get done!"

A Journey transitioning from Private to Cooperative Ownership

LaLa Gardens Cooperative is a one-acre home and garden demonstration of permaculture in the exurbs of Fort Collins, Colorado, transitioning from private to cooperative ownership as a model for regenerative development. The garden features regenerative farming and gardening courses and is a pilot project for community ownership, governance, economy, and culture that is based on a Declaration of Interdependence. It is developing models for applying NFTs to regenerative real estate, education, marketplaces, art, culture and re-sci as a model for any neighborhood.



Every edition, we spotlight Regenerative Leaders from the SEEDS ecosystem, that are doing admirable work locally, building community, spreading knowledge, and engaging with like-minded people to create real impact in their places.

Listen to the engaging conversation with Tina, from LaLa Gardens in the SEEDS Insider Podcast. 
This month, our SEEDS 'Shero' is:
(Chris)Tina Trout
Tina is a Dreamer and a Doer, a natural farmer, permaculture practitioner, and writer of poetry. She was the former owner of a LaLa Gardens at Fort Collins, Colorado, US which is on its journey to becoming LaLa Gardens Cooperative.
In the Seeds ecosystem from early 2021, Tina has been the voice for the place, LaLaGardens, seeing her role within the ecosystem as a real garden in which to practice the economy, ecology, governance, and culture transformation.

Listen to the Podcast
Microbe Heroes NFTs
Lala Gardens created NFTs as a portal tool: the design of these Microbe Heroes NFT (five in total) overlays the function of LaLa Gardens as a regenerative system and maps a viable path by which other gardens step from exploitative to a regenerative path to Legacy Stewardship, inclusive of the community and ecosystems from which they are born. The first release will partly fund the Lala Gardens' transition to Cooperative ownership.

Link to Microbe Heroes:
Seeds of


Here are a few seeds we selected to nourish you with some inspiration, knowledge and awareness. This month our book reading recommendation goes to:

Ecological Masculinities

by Martin Hultman & Paul Pulé
This book is dedicated to a third and relationally focused pathway that the authors call ecological masculinities. They explore ways that masculinities can advocate and embody broader, deeper and wider care for the global through to local (‘glocal’) commons. Ecological Masculinities book works with the wisdom of four main streams of influence that have come before us. They are: masculinities politics, deep ecology, ecological feminism and feminist care theory. 

An image
We want to pick your BRAIN

We’d love to hear your suggestions for a catchy, creative, and engaging NAME FOR SEEDS INSIDER newsletter (INSIDER is a temporary name). Go to this link to give us your suggestions.

All suggestions are collected and presented for you to choose your favorite name for the SEEDS newsletter. Include SEEDS Insider as a suggestion, if you like it.