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30 December 2022
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Hi [First Name], Happy Holiday Season!
It is time to say goodbye to 2022 and welcome 2023. The year that is ending brings us lessons from shortfalls and celebrations from successes. The new year brings us opportunities to move on with the wisdom from past setbacks. Let's look back in the Restrospective 2022 at what we created collectively, harvest learnings, and celebrate it all!  
DHO Tell
Building meaningful experiences and relations within the world of SEEDS through communication

Retrospective 2022

Let's look back to what happened in SEEDS

Throughout history, cultures, science, and astrology have linked the seasons to the human life cycle and to nature’s influence on our lives. This connection is in our bones, and it is universal. We look backward to the year 2022 through the lens of the seasons as the symbolic way to capture what happened during the seasons within SEEDS ecosystem.

The Winter  (Dec-Mar) 

The year starts and, as in nature, in a dormant mode …. We can’t see flowers in sight, however, the seeds and roots are developing under the ground in their own rhythm, waiting for the spring to flourish.  And in SEEDS:
  • The SEEDS Commons meets weekly and holds the space, connecting DHOs and working groups within the SEEDS community that care about the health and development of the SEEDS movement throughout the year.
  • Regen Civics Alliance comes together to spread the word about the selection process for the first cohort of the program to be formed.
  • SEEDS Ambassadors Academy happens in March and out of that cohort Wayshowers for the Earth DHO is born with the purpose of onboarding newcomers to SEEDS community.
  • SEEDS ecosystem keeps solid and expanding with the active DHO’s that are represented at the SEEDS Commons Committee: Hypha, DHO Tell, Permatours, Star’DHO, Wayshowers for the Earth, Renaissance Explorers, MOMs, Samara, and Regen-Living.
  • The Wishing Well weekly meeting starts in March with the purpose to hold space as a think tank for the community to grow and evolve.
  • Hypha launches the ‘Organization-in-a-Box’ DAO solution and invites organizations to participate in the Alpha Program.
  • The Governance working group works diligently on important issues related to the management of the SEEDS Commons and the broader ecosystem, aligning all their work with the SEEDS Constitution.

The Spring  (Mar-Jun) 

The Spring is the time of new beginnings, characterized by blooming flowers, the awakening of animals from hibernation to nest and reproduce, the migration of birds towards warmer climates, and is the planting season… many things that were growing under the radar becomes apparent…
  • Regen Civics Alliance announces the 13 land-based projects for Season 1, starting in April.
  • The first SEEDS newsletter of the year is issued in May and from then on, DHO Tell sends SEEDS Insider out on a monthly basis to the wider community.
  • Hypha is selected as one of the ten projects focused on regenerative economy to join the Respond Accelerator from BMW Foundation.
  • The Spring Equinox Round Table Dialogues are held in a three-day session at the Summer Solstice creating space for the community to meet, chat and exchange.
  • The SEEDS Regenerative Shopping Assistant product concept is developed and offered.
  • The SEEDS co-creation space on Notion is offered to improve collaboration within the ecosystem.
  • The development of creating local currencies with the SEEDS Rainbow continues to evolve through the Rainbow Smart-Contract.

The Summer  (Jun-Sept) 

The sun is up, the weather is warm, schools are closed and holiday destinations are beaming with life.
Nature is full of bright colors, everything around is flourishing, the birds are singing and you can feel that the nature around you is lining! Plants and trees are giving fruits, a lot of flowers are blooming with different colors and everyone can feel the amazing smell in the air. It is holidays time, and SEEDS community keeps co-creating …
  • A playful onboarding world created on Topia for learning and getting to know each other was offered.
  • In August, the Stewardship & Volunteer Activation program is launched with the aim to design and hold a stewardship program where volunteers can bring their talents to contribute to the SEEDS ecosystem expansion and growth.
  • In September, Hypha announces the Beta Program to be launched next year and invites organizations to gain early access to the Hypha DAO Beta software.
  • The Seeds Tokenomics 2.0 White Paper proposal has been published. It presents an economic concept that has matured into a multi-layered currency built on local currencies with a focus on regeneration.

The Autumn  (Sept-Dec) 

Characterized by falling temperatures, Autumn is the period when farmers harvest their crops and gardens begin to die. Autumn also means a lot of fun and outdoors activities. It brings different colors to the people's life – yellow, red, orange, brown and more. The temperature becomes colder, days shorter. Animals starting preparation for cold months and plants stop making food, everything in the nature slowly starting to fall asleep. And in SEEDS, it is celebration time …
  • The Equinox Round Table happens in Sept in a two-day online event for the community to meet and celebrate life and nature aligning intentions to walk meaningfully as a community for change.
  • SEEDS 3rd birthday anniversary is celebrated on Nov. 5th, the ReFi FEST, culminating in a seven-hour broadcast and hybrid event hosted at Regen Campus in Flat Rock, NC, U.S.A.
  • SEEDS Collaboratory DAO is activated putting together the anchor DHO for the Seeds Community that will include a more mature governance system.
  • Hypha concludes the RESPOND Acceleration Program and gains more muscles and connections to accelerate its development process for the Hypha DAO tool kit.
  • Hypha DAO receives the greatest grant in the EOS Blockchain community: 850K USD from EOS Network Foundation to deploy Hypha’s “Organization-in-a-box solution” on the EOS Network.

Then it is holidays ….

And it is time to WELCOME 2023 taking the learnings of a very intensive year and having deep gratitude for ALL the ones that have kept the SEEDS community vibrant and thriving …

"It has been an amazing 2022 in SEEDS with deep innovation, emergence, and a beautiful community.  I loved being able to meet people in real life with many smiles.  It has felt like a slow journey, a time of questions, thinking, and waiting.  It has also felt like a time of attraction, a time of weaving and collaboration. (@markflowfarm)"

"What a year it's been for SEEDS!  
SEEDS is in metamorphosis. (@letti)"
Seeds of


We chose this story to share as seeds of inspiration in this special edition ... It is a story that relates to what was the year 2022 for the SEEDS community ... a story of endurance and believing in our dream!

The Story of Two Seeds

 by Emma Triplett
Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil.
The first seed said, “My dream is to grow.  I wish to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me and trust my sprouts through the earth’s crust above me.  I want to unfurl my tender buds like banners to announce the arrival of spring. I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew on my petals.” 
And now she grew.
The second seed said, “I do not know what I want.  I’m afraid if I send my roots into the ground below, I don’t know what I will encounter in the dark.  If I push my way through the hard soil above me, I may damage my delicate sprouts.  What if I let my buds open and a snail tries to eat them? And what if I was to open my blossoms, a small child may pull me from the ground?  No, it is much better for me to wait until it is safe.” 
And so she waited.
A hen scratching around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and promptly ate it.

The Moral of the Story:
Those of us who have goals and dreams will grow and prosper
Those of us who refuse to risk and grow will get swallowed up by life.

The story of Two Seeds 2-minute Metaphor