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30 April 2023
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Hi [First Name], hope you are doing great!
Welcome to the April edition of our SEEDS Insider Newsletter. As spring is in full bloom, we hope this newsletter will bring a fresh perspective and inspire you to come and join what is happening in the SEEDS community. We have some exciting updates and information in store for you, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the read. 
DHO Tell
Building meaningful experiences and relationships within the world of SEEDS through communication
Hot stuff

Building Communication Strategies
within SEEDS ecosystem

This is a Calling for people with experience in building
communication strategies for community activation 

If you love telling stories within any medium or love the connection that social media can offer then this is our call to you. Come and join
 DHO Tell as we shape communication and explore with us how we can form this creative studio where you can follow your storytelling passion and be rewarded in tokens.

In what is a symbiotic relationship to the Deployment Circle, DHO Tell, the communications DAO for the SEEDS ecosystem will deliver the communication strategy co-shaped with the Deployment Circle, mainly prompted by the question: “How do we create a simple and welcoming entry point for people and projects stepping into the SEEDS space?”

Regen Community

The NYX Bali

The Nyx Bali is one more amazing project out of the cohort of thirteen projects integrating REGEN CIVICS Alliance, Season 1.

THE NYX BALI claims to be catalyst for the progress of self and community through creative expression and problem solving. Their mission is to create a sustainable and prosperous community that fosters meaningful relationships and generates innovation by facilitating fields within Science, Art, Environment and Personal Growth. The foundation of the community is built on the idea that by leveraging cooperation and collaboration, we can achieve exponential progress.

The NYX has a variety of rooms, ranging from bamboo houses to modern rooms. Their current capacity is 18 rooms and planned to increase to 30 rooms in upcoming developments.

Watch this beautiful video to learn more about The Nyx Bali

Human Technology

Human Technology enabling
Regeneration from inside out

Jeff Quintero, has recently joined SEEDS Community and brings a robust body of knowledge to add to the collective wisdom.
Jeff has worked on questing for the understanding of what enables us humans to “make meaning” and “realize truth”. He has grounded and advanced research using and expanding Ken Wilber’s Integral Consciousness approach AQAL, Barbara Marx Hubbard's Theory of Conscious Evolution, and Edward O. Wilson’s book on Consilience: “The Unity Of Knowledge”.
Through this work, he has discovered the new understandings necessary for breaking through our current existential crisis, and for evolving the way we co-realize the value of all our humanity’s qualitative dimensions, in a way never before possible.
In his article, he brings a proposition and invitation to the SEEDS Community: "enabling us to deliver on the narrative of Co-Realizing Everyone’s Unique Goodness Potentiality, positioning the SEEDS ecosystem into a unique space for collaboration that may finally bring all other global scale regeneration initiatives together". You can also find a great summary of this findings at this prezi presentation.

seeds community
Good News for SEEDS Community

Local Scale signs MOU with Hypha

SEEDS DAOs and community members will largely benefit from the partnership between LocalScale and Hypha. For you to get a grasp, imagine using Hypha (the DAO platform) to issue tokens to people holding roles (like a farmer, healer, artist, parent, etc) in your bioregion - then use the SEEDS Light Wallet to spend those tokens using LocalScale as the marketplace, with bioregional merchants all without paying any fees as we co-create bioregional and circular economies, keeping value and interactions locally.
In this video, Reiki Cordon interviews Stephan Osmont, from LocalScale, giving a brief overview of the LocalScale platform and its interactions with the SEEDS world.
One step-at-a-time, SEEDS ecosystem is evolving into a very robust and powerful regeneration system, supported by key tech players, such as Hypha,  LocalScale, and others to come.


Spotlight Regenerative Leaders from the SEEDS ecosystem, that are doing admirable work locally, building community, spreading knowledge and engaging with like-minded people to create real impact in their places. Alexandra Escobar interviews in SEEDS Insider Podcast:
Jeffrey Quintero
Over the last 20+ years, Jeff has been fully engaged in research and development efforts in philosophy, science, and consciousness using and expanding Ken Wilber’s Integral Approach, the lean entrepreneurship method, and blockchain technology. Through this research, he has identified the core existential constraints conducive to our current crisis. And, conceived a way to break through these constraints. Read his article on Human Technology Session (above) and listen to the podcast to learn more about these findings. Jeff is joining the SEEDS Collaboratory DAO and is contributing significantly with his wisdom.
Jeff is the creator of A network for Millennials and Gen Zers who want to Play-Your-Role in becoming a world in which everyone can thrive, join your local groups, connect, and collectively adopt the Us-Humanity Perspective so that together, we can elicit the social willingness to align, synergize and capitalize on our unique potentials in the purposeful creation of regenerative communities from the inside out. Jeff makes an open invitation to the SEEDS Community to benefit from the evolutionary transformation of the awareness-expanding insights revealed by the Creational-Value Co-Realization Paradigm.   
Seeds of

Inspiration & Awareness

Here are a few seeds we selected to nourish you with some inspiration, knowledge and awareness. This month our book reading recommendation goes to:

Less is More

How Degrowth Will Save the World  
by Jason Hickel 
Less is More is a wake-up call... By shining a light on ecological breakdown and the system that's causing it, Hickel shows how we can bring our economy back into balance with the living world and build a thriving society for all. This is our chance to change course, but we must act now.