Monthly updates
30 June 2023
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Hi [First Name], hope you are doing great!
Your monthly Insider newsletter has arrived to share the latest news about what is going around the SEEDS ecosystem, with the hope that you get as much excited as we are and gets even more involved with the SEEDS movement. Enjoy your reading!
DHO Tell
Building meaningful experiences and relations within the world of SEEDS through communication
Hot stuff

Launch of
Gratitude DAO and Healing Circles

Regenerative Healing Processes and Practices

The launch of the Gratitude DHO and Healing Circles happened in the Solstice and it was a beautiful opportunity to gather the wider SEEDS community in what it going to be a virtual space of co-practicing and co-designing processes which support the community to exercise regenerative healing on a personal, community, bio-regional, and organizational levels.

Spend time watching the recording and you will hear phrases like:  "the biology resisting the technology to break free and connecting our emotions, and life, and love, and hearts ..."

The Healing & Gratutude Circles will be held monthly and everyone is invited to facilitate one in different languages and different time zones to benefit different parts of the world.
Wider Community

Fórum Popular de Cultura Lumiar e Biorregião

Fórum Popular is a COLLECTIVE of public interest that INTEGRATES THE LOCAL CULTURE, leveraging movements and talents from the entire region of Lumiar, São Pedro, and its surroundings.
The objective of the Forum is to develop a program of projects articulated by a collective and humanized governance methodology in Lumiar and Bioregion, mapping, raising awareness and actively mobilizing cultural collectives, local commerce, civil society organizations, cultural producers, agricultural producers, managers public and other actors in the cultural, environmental and productive chain. It seeks integration in favor of regenerative actions.

Through an App, all members have access to all the services, projects, and events in place. In addition to that, the Open Collective platform enables crowdfunding for projects and initiatives. Click on the button below to access the website (for Portuguese speakers).

DAOing It Differently:
10 Ways DAOs Differ from Traditional Organizations

The rise of blockchain technology and following emergence of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) has disrupted traditional organizations as we know them. In this Hypha's blog post, they explore 10 key differences between DAOs and conventional, hierarchical organizations, highlighting the advantages and novel aspects teams can expect when embracing decentralization.

SEEDS Collaboratory DAO is proudly part of Hypha's DAOs ecosystem.
Deliberative Democracies

Meet Don Herres and
Philosopher Democracies PhD

We were recently privileged to host Don Herres at our new SEEDS Bio Regional Circle meeting. Don is the founder of Philosopher Democracies (PhD for short) and shared his deep expertise on how to develop community wisdom and self-governance.  With a passion for anthropology and psychology, he has taken this wisdom and put this into practice within a local community in Tulum, Mexico, as well as in other parts of the world, inviting communities to practice Deliberative Democracies and self-governance.

As we focus on how SEEDS can support local communities to move to a new way of self-management and abundance, it was wonderful to draw inspiration from Don’s real-life experiences.

Listen to how communities are being re-imagined, on the link below. 


We spotlight Regenerative Leaders from the SEEDS ecosystem, that are doing admirable work locally, building community, spreading knowledge and engaging with like-minded people to create real impact in their places. Alexandra Escobar interviews in SEEDS Insider Podcast:
João Estellita
Renaissance Explorer, Ambassador, Citizen from SEEDS Joao Estellita has helped create a template for bioregional communities from the knowledge learnt from SEEDS. He has returned to the Ecosystem to share and be part of the Bioregion DAO for SEEDS DAO.
Cultural, forums, governance and organized communication are key elements for community thriving. Glocal Initiative DHE is helping create the models needed for other bioregional growth and his participation is invaluable for the movement. The collaborations happen in the way humans should live the magic to make it all cohesive through focus groups “Learning Together is the Key.”
Flor da Montanha
Another amazing project João Estellita is envolved with is Flor da Montanha, based on spiritual development. Flor da Montanha is an address in the city of Nova Friburgo, located in the hinterlands of Rio de Janeiro state.
The Feitio is one of the main rituals at Flor da Montanha: it takes twelve hours of devotion and thorough repetition to prepare the Ayahuasca. Common ground for all rituals, the power of music echoes through the space. It is the songs from the Africas in Brazil, an Amazonian scent in southeastern Brazil.
You can learn more about Flor da Montanha here.
Seeds of

Inspiration & Awareness

Here are a few seeds we selected to nourish you with some inspiration, knowledge and awareness. This month our book reading recommendation goes to:

The Ministry for the Future

by Kim Stanley Robinson
The Ministry for the Future is a masterpiece of the imagination, using fictional eyewitness accounts to tell the story of how climate change will affect us all. Its setting is not a desolate, postapocalyptic world, but a future that is almost upon us. Chosen by Barack Obama as one of his favorite books of the year, this extraordinary novel from visionary writer Kim Stanley Robinson will change the way you think about the climate crisis.

  • GOOD NEWS needs to be spread!
Norway has become the first country to ban deforestation. The Norwegian Parliament pledged May 26 that the government’s public procurement policy will be deforestation-free.