Monthly updates
31 July 2023
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Hi [First Name], hope you are doing great!
Welcome to the sizzling summer edition of your monthly Insider newsletter! As the sun shines brightly, we are thrilled to bring you the latest news about what's happening in the SEEDS ecosystem. Our hope is that this exciting update leaves you feeling as enthusiastic as we are and encourages you to immerse yourself even further into the SEEDS movement. So grab a refreshing drink, and enjoy your reading!
DHO Tell
Building meaningful experiences and relations within the world of SEEDS through communication
Hot stuff

Seeds Global Passport

What happened to the Global Passport App?

Since March 15, 2023 the Seeds Global Passport has been phased out. The decision was made as a strategic step forward to concentrate all the technical support efforts on the Seeds Light Wallet. 

Instead of having the Passport for:
- Communications, we keep using social platforms we already use, like Discord and this newsletter. 
- Governance, it will occur on the various "DAOs" that are found at

All in all, this move has been planned to give our community a higher quality and easier experience!

If you have a Seeds Global Passport, make sure to get your private keys from the Passport and use them to access your Wallet! 
Consolidated App space

Seeds Light Wallet

Everyone in the SEEDS ecosystem should use the SEEDS Light Wallet now on their mobile phones as their primary wallet for working with Seeds, since the SEEDS Global Passport application is no longer being supported and is being replaced by the Wallet (as indicated above), and the SEEDS ecosystem co-governed by the SEEDS Collaboratory DAO. In the Light Wallet, you are able to see your balance of Seeds, as well as your balance of Planted Seeds.

Go to Apple Store or Play Store to download the Light Wallet, if you haven't done it yet.

We need your input:
Seeds Sense-making Survey

As we continue on our journey of bringing the SEEDS Collaboratory DAO to Life, we are creating the building blocks for impact measurement, marketplaces, and community-based rainbow tokens to emerge. With these building blocks comes how to value and use the SEEDS Ecosystem, platform, and tools.

These foundations and building blocks shape the exchange environment of the SEEDS EcoSystem. And for this, we invite you to participate in this sense-making Survey.

This Survey is a great opportUnity for you to express your thoughts and feelings on what SEEDS Ecosystem should bring to manifestation based on the original vision, mission, and purpose of a real regenerative, sustainable, and fair economy, based on conscious currencies.  
Dream Big, Think Globally, Act Locally!

Growing Diversity of
Regenerative Civilizations

Having a hard time raising money for your dream project or community?

We invite you to stop waiting for money's permission and get started coordinating and co-creating the most beautiful world we know is possible - with an innovation to the traditional "crowdfunding" model that's only interested in what money has to say - we offer tools for "Crowdpooling". With crowdpooling we can pool our community's resources together more effectively to co-create new realities - instead of just focusing on money (which is made artificially scarce) - we focus on the things we actually need (which is abundant!).
Seeds of

Inspiration & Awareness

Here are a few seeds we selected to nourish you with some inspiration, knowledge and awareness. This month our book reading recommendation goes to:

Impact Networks

by David Ehrlichman
David Ehrlichman draws on his experience as a network builder; interviewing dozens of network leaders; and insights from the fields of network science, community building, and systems thinking to provide a clear process for creating and developing impact networks. Given the increasing complexity of our society and the issues we face, our ability to form, grow, and work through networks has never been so essential.

You may even check the video "Impact Networks: Creating Change in a Complex World", produced by Converge and filmed by Hive Studios, a beautiful film that complements the book by David Ehrlichman.