Monthly updates
31 August 2023
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Hi [First Name], hope you are doing great!
Your monthly Insider newsletter has arrived to share the latest news about what is going around the SEEDS ecosystem, with the hope that you get as much excited as we are and gets even more involved with the SEEDS movement. Enjoy your reading!
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Building meaningful experiences and relations within the world of SEEDS through communication
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SEEDS Collaboratory Anchor
DAOing Phase Completed

August 1st, 2023 is a big milestone in the SEEDS history

What does this all mean? As part of the contribution and work from the DAO Activation explorations, after 1.5 years of hard work of a group of committed citizens and members, the bootstrap roadmap has been completed and now the nucleus is ready to include three Councils and three Circles to engage a maximum of 144 members in the DAO.

SEEDS Collaboratory DAO is ready to onboard more participants as a working unit and collaboration efforts to help the Renaissance movement. Currently, there are twenty members and another thirty-five have shown interest in participating.

Check on the SEEDS DAO Discord Channel for the INSTRUCTIONS for enrolling as a new member into the Nucleus of the SEEDS Collaboratory Anchor DAO.



ReGen Civics moves forward as a growing alliance of organizations and land-based projects dedicated to growing the diversity of regenerative realities. For those of our community who are on this journey, this video also talks about an airdrop to previous contributors to SEEDS (e.g. if you've bought SEEDS or worked on the project you may be eligible for a share of $RCivics/Regen tokens!).

ReGen Civics is also pioneering what an "Organ" within the SEEDS movement can do with recognizing historical contributions (and other DAOs within SEEDS may follow to recognize all historical contributions to our movement). Enjoy the video for details.


A Brief History of
the SEEDS Token

The SEEDS Collaboratory DAO Economics Circle continues on its path in developing the Tokenomics for Seeds 2.0.  The Seeds token along with other symbiotic tokens also being designed by the team will play an integral part in our regenerative ecosystem.  

To understand where our collective “SEEDS’ journey will take us, it's important to reflect on the past and how we have arrived where we found ourselves. At a recent Economics Circle meeting there was time taken by Circle and in particular those that have joined the movement recently through the history of SEEDS and the Seeds Token. Led by Mark Epstein this provided a great reflective view of history both good and bad. Click on the bottom below to watch the video.

Human Technology

Human Being Humans @ Work

Samara, as a partner of the SEEDS DAO ecosystem, evokes that every human being on the planet has a unique set of gifts and geniuses to offer to the world. Our lives our an evolutionary journey of discovering and uncovering this genius, although many people never have the chance to realize their true potential. Humans Beings Human @ Work is an exploration in realizing our unique genius in creative collaboration, as we do good work in the world.

This is an invitation to socially-spirited leaders, teachers, makers, and conveners to join them on this evolutionary learning journey that prototypes a new way of working that honors the power of humans being human. Check the Playspace that explains the journey in detail.

Explore your unique entrepreneurial genius

Creatively collaborative with purpose

Become of greater service to the world


We spotlight Regenerative Leaders from the SEEDS ecosystem, doing admirable work locally, building community, spreading knowledge and engaging with like-minded people to create real impact in their places. Alexandra Escobar interviews in SEEDS Insider Podcast:
Enjoy the Podcast and learn MORE ABOUT Justin Taylor
Justin Taylor
Justin is the Facilitative Founder of Samara’s Sanctuary Studio and the Startup Shaman of Samara. He is a Gene Keys Guide and a member of the Delta Fellowship. Justin first joined SEEDS community three years ago and together with other kindred humans started the Samara Trust DAO, and he has recently joined SEEDS Collaboratory DAO. He has been on an amazing journey supporting others to work with living systems and nature’s creativity and craft harmonious partnerships that network solutions to the problems of our time through the Huddlecraft 'Humans Being Human At Work'.
Humans Being Human At Work
Prototyping how self-love in collective resonance can harmonically organize into prosperous work. This is the aim of the incredible 6-month peer-to-peer learning journey that prototypes a new way of working that harmoniously honors the individual, provides for its community, and serves humanity. Justin is the host of this journey promoted by Samara's Sanctuary Studio.
If you think this is for you,  want to learn more about it and when it is the next cohort, check Humans Being Human At Work and access the Playspace for the  Huddle Information Deck  to get all the detailed information.
Seeds of

Inspiration & Awareness

Here are a few seeds we selected to nourish you with some inspiration, knowledge and awareness. This month our book reading recommendation goes to:

The Chronicles of Samara

by Samara Collective 
A co-created book authored by Alan Vogl. Bongani Wilson, Dmitry Ageyev, Roderick des Tombe, Fabienne Vukotic, Irina Stoica, Jared Cordon, Joachim Stroh, Joost Schouten, Justin Joseph, Keala Young, Pulo de Carvalho, Rieki Cordon, Roz Savage, Trent Brown.

This book (story, journey, cycle, learning) is many things. It is a co-created, emergent expression of a group of individuals. It is the call of a new Being. It is the story of Samara's gestation. It is the trail of breadcrumbs. It is the initial coding of how She works and where She is moving to. Most importantly it is a window into why She is here and what She is here to do.  As with all wholesome efforts, this form is the result of a mixture. A mixture of people and higher principles. A mixture of ideas, connections, and something un-nameable, but essential.