How can we support regenerative communities and projects and weave them together in a tapestry connected across landscapes?
Cascadia is defined by the watersheds of the Columbia, Fraser, and Snake valleys. More than a place, Cascadia is also an identity and movement that stretches back decades, to the first Cascadia bioregional congress in 1986, and a vision for how people can live as a part of nature rather than removed from it.
To help answer the question above,
Regenerate Cascadia has been joined by Joe Brewer and the Design School for Regenerating Earth, 140 organizers, and hundreds of others as part of a 30-day bioregional activation tour exploring regenerative work in 14 communities.
It's their hope to grow teams in each watershed, able to steward a vision, a story of place, as well as develop an informational commons and framework, weave together and map the regenerative work happening in the area in a collaborative way.
Nov 04 - 05 - Presentations and lessons from the communities
Nov 03 - 12 - Online Summit
Nov 11 - 12 - Open Space Conference
Attendance is free and newcomers are warmly welcome